Mercurius 2014
National Széchényi Library
Edited by László Boka
NSZL, Budapest, 2015., 52 pages
ISSN 1589 4738
Hungarian Book Review 2015/1–4.
Editor in Chief: István Monok
Co-editor: Pál Ács
NSZL–HAS, Budapest, 1–4. issues yearly
ISSN 0025-0171
The Hungarica Ex Libris of the Moscow Rudomino Library in Hungarian and International Context
Written by Kornélia Vasné Tóth PhD
NSZL–Gondolat, Budapest, 2015.
[National Collection, series edited by László Boka and Ferenc Kégli], 360 pages
ISBN 978 963 693 606 8
Aladár Kuncz: A Piece of Marble
Short stories, vignettes, feuilletons, notes, drama
Compiled and edited by Tamás Gusztáv Filep and Ágnes Varga
Preface written by Tamás Gusztáv Filep
NSZL–Kriterion, Budapest–Cluj-Napoca, 2015.
[Collected Works of Aladár Kuncz, II., series edited by László Boka and Tamás Gusztáv Filep], 346 pages
ISBN 978 973 26 1112 8
„Become a Patron of Czechs, an Advocate of Hungarians…”
Czech-Hungarian Jesuit Relations from the Beginning until 1773.
Written by Eszter Kovács
NSZL–Pázmány Péter Catholic University, Budapest–Piliscsaba, 2015., 368 pages
ISBN 978 963 200 638 3
Picture the Great War
International Pictorial Documents of the First World War at National Széchényi Library
Edited by Anikó Katona and Anita Szarka
Pictures selected and the introduction written by Katalin Csillag, Anikó Katona and Anita Szarka
NSZL–Osiris, Budapest, 2014., 224 pages
ISBN 978 963 200 630 7
The Printing Presses of Ferenc Nádasdy (1623–1671)
Written by Noémi Viskolcz
NSZL–HAS–MOKKA-R Association, Budapest, 2015.
[Booklets of Hungarian Book Review and MOKKA-R Association, 7. Series edited by István Monok], 110 pages
ISBN 978 963 446 755 7
From Fair Flyers to Agriculture Manuals
Bibliography of the Publications of the Czéh Printing Presses of Magyaróvár from 1836 to 1909
Written by Mária Helle
NSZL–Gondolat, Budapest, 2015.
[National Collection, series edited by László Boka and Ferenc Kégli], 320 pages
ISBN 978 963 200 639 0
3K – Book, Library, Librarian 2015/1–12.
Edited by László Miklós Mezey
NSZL, Budapest, 2015.
ISSN 1216-6804
Library Observer 2015/1–4.
Editor in Chief: Katalin Kovács
NSZL, Budapest, 2015.
ISSN 0023-3773
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