Ad Fontes – Selected Essays/Ausgewählte Schriften
Written by András Vizkelety. Edited by Klára Berzeviczy, László Jónácsik, Péter Lőkös
NSZL–Szent István Társulat, Budapest, 2011., 446 pages
ISBN 978 963 277 274 5
This volume is a selection of the academic publications of 53 years by András Vizkelety to celebrate his 80th birthday. The writings are acknowledged achievements, the most characteristic and important documents of an outstanding career. The research of the Middle Ages in Hungary and German studies worldwide have been significantly enriched by Vizkelety’s work that explored large segments of the German-Hungarian relations in literature and cultural history. New generations of researchers will surely use these works with pleasure when learning and teaching. The studies written mostly in German cover a wide range of topics and areas researched by their learned author.
Our publications are available in our bookshop, or can be ordered from the Publications Department of the NSZL using the contact details below: Főigazgatói Kabinet kiadványtára, Országos Széchényi Könyvtár, 1276 Budapest P.O. box 1205., phone: 06-1-23-23-506, e-mail: