Augustinus Moravus Olomucensis
Proceedings of the International Symposium to Mark the 500th
Anniversary of the Death of Augustinus Moravus Olomucensis (1467–1513)
Edited by Péter Ekler, Farkas Gábor Kiss
NSZL–HAS, Budapest, 2015., 216 pages
ISBN 978 963 200 636 9
This English language volume published in cooperation between National Széchényi Library and the Institute for Literary Studies at the Research Center for the Humanities of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences contains the edited material of the international conference held in November 2013 on one of the most important figures of Humanism in Moravia and Central Europe, Augustinus Moravus Olomucensis. Apart from the lectures held at the conference, it presents also the poems of Augustinus Moravus, the Panegyricus of Valentin Eck to Augustinus, and a bibliography related to his life, work and historical era.
Augustinus Moravus Olomucensis („August of Olmütz”, 1467–1513) was one of the most prominent figures of Humanism in Moravia and Central Europe, including Hungary. After studies in Krakow and Padua, from 1496, he offered his services to the Czech chancellery in the Buda court of Vladislaus II King of Hungary and Bohemia. “By the time he arrived to Hungary, he already had made great accomplishments: apart from publications on astronomy, he had also written in Padua and published in Venice his Dialogus in defensionem poetices (1493) and De modo epistolandi (1495), both relevant works for literary culture, to which Hungarian research should at last pay attention, as these works were also read by Augustinus’s friends in Buda” – Tibor Klaniczay explains in his presentation (The early history of the academic movement in Hungary, Budapest, Balassi, 1993, 63.).
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