Collectors and Collections
The Treasures of the Collections in the National Széchényi Library
Edited by László Boka, Lídia Wendelin Ferenczy
NSZL–Kossuth, Budapest, 2016. 252 pages
ISBN 978 963 200 656 7
Our English language illustrated album presents the most important collections of National Széchényi Library, including the Kossuth Library, the Hungarian Womens’ Library, the collections of Count Sándor Apponyi and Gyula Todoreszku, as well as the legacy of Ernő Dohnányi. Although the original Hungarian version of this beautiful volume was published as early as 2009 in cooperation between NSZL and Kossuth Publishing House, no English version has been available for international readers so far.
The album offers an interesting reading on the collections of National Széchényi Library and their history, leading the reader through the various periods of Hungarian culture. Its exclusive appearance makes it also an ideal gift for special occasions.
Our publications are available in our bookshop, or can be ordered from the Publications Department of the NSZL using the contact details below: Főigazgatói Kabinet kiadványtára, Országos Széchényi Könyvtár, 1276 Budapest P.O. box 1205., phone: 06-1-23-23-506, e-mail: