Crescit Eundo
Essays to Celebrate Judit V. Ecsedy on her 65th Birthday
Edited by Melinda Simon and Péter Perger
NSZL–HAS Department of Humanities, Institute for Literary Studies–MOKKA-R Association, 2011
[Booklets of Hungarian Book Review and MOKKA-R Association. 4.], 276 pages
ISBN 978 963 446 639 0
Judit V. Ecsedy is staff member of the Department of Book and Culture History Research at National Széchényi Library. For decades now, she has been an internationally renowned researcher of printing press and book history who after the elaboration of the history and letter sets of several individual printing presses wrote the comprehensive history of the Hungarian handicraft printing press. She was also the author of the repertory series that presents the entire sets of the Hungarian printing presses until the end of the 17th century. She edited a bibliography of old Hungarian books printed in secret places and contributed to a volume of addenda and supplements for the 18th century retrospective national bibliography (currently being edited). Apart from that, she is the printing press history expert of the Old Prints of Hungary project.
The title of our book is the motto of Ecsedy’s favorite typographic insignia that best characterizes her career. Crescit eundo – Grows with progress means that gradualness is the first condition of a successful career.
We have collected the essays of the disciples, colleagues and experts who have used the results of Ecsedy’s work in their own research. The resulting diversity of topics is a faithful mirror of Ecsedy’s complex influence. On the cover you can see a typographic insignia; several writings relate to the composing frame and the book press on it, but apart from the person of the Celebrated, it is perhaps the old book in the hand of the angel that connects them.
Booklets of Hungarian Book Review and MOKKA-R Association
For centuries, books were the only means of passing on cultural values, so the history of books is related to all the areas of cultural history. No wonder that a number of new institutions for presenting book culture history are currently being set up. As one of Europe’s oldest book history periodicals, Hungarian Book Review cannot assume the publication of all the writings on book history in Hungary, it has joined MOKKA-R (the old books section of Hungarian National Joint Catalogue Association), an entity founded in 1994 to coordinate the elaboration of old books. Our series of booklets presents primarily the lectures held at the MOKKA-R department sessions, but also gives room for works on book history with larger extent than publishable in Hungarian Book Review.
The publishers of the series are NSZL, the Institute for Literary Studies of the Hungarian Academy of Science, and MOKKA-R Association.
Our publications are available in our bookshop, or can be ordered from the Publications Department of the NSZL using the contact details below: Főigazgatói Kabinet kiadványtára, Országos Széchényi Könyvtár, 1276 Budapest P.O. box 1205., phone: 06-1-23-23-506, e-mail: