Edison in Hungary
Accompanying essay written by István Gazda
Editing and essay on photographs written by Zoltán Nagy
The facsimile edition of the original illustrated album at NSZL, shelf nr. 570673, was made by the printing press of Fischerman Nyomdaipari Ltd. in 500 copies.
NSZL, Budapest, 2006.
ISBN 963 200 514 7
The original of this facsimile was made at the beginning of the 20th century on the occasion of the short but all the more memorable visit of Thomas Alva Edison in Hungary in 1911. Although the world-famous inventor spent only 18 hours in Hungary on the invitation of István Fodor court councilor, director of a Budapest electricity company and former colleague of his, the visit was largely covered by the press.
István Fodor’s illustrated album was made as a present to the inventor, with the description of the most beautiful Hungarian regions and their people, so that Edison could keep a fresh memory of his experiences in our country.
The facsimile made after the original kept at National Széchényi Library includes an essay by science historian István Gazda on the details of Edison’s visit, and the story of the photographs written by photography historian Zoltán Nagy.
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