Holy Bible
Translated by Gáspár Heltai and His Colleagues
Kolozsvár 1551–1565.
Facsimile edition edited and published by Dr. László Ötvös,
NSZL – László Ötvös,
Debrecen – Budapest, 2019, 4720 pages
ISBN 978 963 200 696 3
During the 16th century, three Protestant Reformers decided, independently, to translate the entire Bible into Hungarian. In addition to Gáspár Károli and Péter Méliusz Juhász, Gáspár Heltai Bible translator and printer, pastor and writer, and his colleagues (István Gyulai, Gergely Vízaknai, István Ozorai), apart from a few Old Testament books, translated almost the entire Bible and published it in seven independent volumes. The facsimile edition was published in three volumes, for which three institutions, the National Széchényi Library, the University Library of Cluj-Napoca and the Library of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences provided the partial translations published by Gáspár Heltai.
The first volume contains the historical books of the Old Testament:
The second volume contains the poetic books of the Old Testament, but the fellow translators of Gáspár Heltai did not proceed in a quite canonical order with the translations, which were originally published in three volumes:
The third volume contains the New Testament, the translation of which was entirely undertaken by Heltai himself:
The three volumes were edited by Dr. László Ötvös; the first and second volumes were supplemented by theology professor Dr. Áron Németh’s accompanying studies, while Dr. Gedeon Borsa and Dr. Péter Perger wrote an introductory study to the third volume. The Holy Bible was published as the 91st volume of the books series Nemzetközi Teológiai Könyv (International Theological Book).
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