Hungarian Printer's and Publisher's Devices 1801-1900

Hungarian Printer's and Publisher's Devices 1801-1900

Publishers’ and Printers’ Devices in Hungary 1801–1900
Written by Melinda Simon
NSZL–Balassi Publishing House, Budapest, 2012., 396 pages

ISBN 978 963 506 873 9

5 600,- Ft

This encyclopedia of around 400 pages breaks fresh ground on international scale. It contains the printers’ and publishers’ devices used in Hungary in the 19th century, refining and completing the previous catalogue published in 2009 dedicated to the period between the 15th and 18th centuries. The 345 devices from the 19th century are reproduced in their original sizes, and each one is accompanied by an article in Hungarian and English. The text contains information on the design, the artist (if known) and the publisher or printer who used the mark.

In the bilingual introductory study the author discusses in detail the iconographic characteristics of the marks of the period, the sources and style of the images, the interval and place of their use, the counterfeit devices, the mottoes and techniques. She also touches upon the devices used exclusively abroad by printers or publishers who worked only partly in Hungary.

The volume is useful for professionals and students of the history of printing, publishing and culture, but it has in store pleasant moments also for those interested in symbols.