Hungarian Printers’ and Publishers’ Devices 1901–1920
Written by Melinda Simon
NSZL, Budapest, 2019, 252 pages
ISBN 978 963 200 697 0
Language: Hungarian-English
The previous two catalogues of publishers’ devices used in the territory of historical Hungary are followed by the publication of a collection of printers’ and publishers’ devices used in the territory of Hungary between 1901 and 1920. (The previous volumes were Judit V. ECSEDY–Melinda SIMON: Hungarian Printers’ and Publishers’ Devices 1488–1800, Balassi–NSZL, 2009; Melinda SIMON: Hungarian Printers’ and Publishers’ Devices 1801–1900, Balassi-NSZL, 2012)
The twenty-year period of the published material is justified by several aspects. On the one hand, the closing era of the 1920s is also marked by historical and geopolitical changes, and on the other hand, in the 20th century, the process intensified significantly, which was felt already in the previous hundred years: the number of devices grew exponentially. While the number of printers’ and publishers’ devices did not change significantly in the first four centuries of Hungarian printing, in the 19th century their number increased sixfold. The trend remained the same between 1901 and 1920.
The increase in quantity also shaped the way the material was published, the dimensional accuracy of previous data types and prints did not change, and the iconographic description of the images was not damaged, and the source of the mottos and the artists of the devices were identified as in previous publications. Only the length of the articles became shorter, more cohesive, the author reduced the information about the companies using the device.
In the volume, the publishers and printing houses of the beginning of the 20th century have been merged into a separate unit, Simon Melinda strives for completeness with indicators, supplementing the material of the previous volumes. She publishes the results of her collection and research in two languages (English, Hungarian).
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