Literary Journal 2015/3. Ferenc Kölcsey
Editor in Chief: Zoltán Jánosi
NSZL–Magyar Napló, Budapest, 2015.
ISSN 2063-8019
The topic of the present issue of Literary Journal is the life and work of Ferenc Kölcsey. The editors wish to present as many aspects as possible of the diverse activity of the poet, writer, thinker, orator and politician. The philosophical background of Kölcsey’s work is made clearer to the reader by an introduction into the basic facts of history of thought. Among the articles there is a micro-philological analysis of Kölcsey’s translation of Greek poems, and a comparative poem interpretation with modern approach of the motives of Dobozi and Hymnus. It is worth pointing out that several articles focus on Kölcsey as a short story writer, a lesser known aspect of the poet, and there are also writings dedicated to his works as a Member of Parliament. The authors of the essays are renowned historians of literature, and their contributions are accompanied with a variety of illustrations.
Literary Journal, a quarterly joint publication of Magyar Napló and National Széchényi Library is a richly illustrated magazine of more than 100 pages, primarily dedicated to the broad audience, but also well usable as educational material. Its thematic issues always focus on one classical author, period of literary history or cultural phenomenon. Apart from including texts so far unpublished, Literary Journal can also significantly broaden the horizon of re-reading. The previous issues were dedicated to Gyula Illyés, Sándor Márai, Géza Gárdonyi, Gyula Krúdy and Miklós Zrínyi.
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