Szeretném, ha szeretnének (1910) (Longing for Love)
Written by Endre Ady
Introductory study by László Boka
National Széchényi Library – Kossuth Publishing House, 2019, 128 pages
ISBN 978-963-09-9605-1
A facsimile edition of Endre Ady's volume of poems published in December 1909 (issued in 1910). This was the fourth in a series of ‘great’ or ‘real’ Ady volumes (sixth along with his two early volumes) to be published by the Nyugat (West). With the joint series with Kossuth Publishing House, the reader can receive a facsimile edition of the volumes of our greatest poets. ‘The beauty of the 130-page book is worth capturing due to its external appearance and intrinsic value’ – reads the book recommendation by HVG.
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