Lymbus 2015

Lymbus 2015

Lymbus 2015
Source Publications in Hungarian Studies

Editor in Chief: Gábor Ujváry
NSZL– International Association for Hungarian Studies– Research Centre for the Humanities of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest, 2015., 458 pages
ISSN 0865 0632

2 600,- Ft
Not available

The renewed and modified version of an earlier periodical of the same title, Lymbus, Source Publications in Hungarian Studies has been being published from 2003. Its main profile is the publication of documents of considerable historical value from 1526 to 1945 explored during the research of Hungarica. The interpretation of the sources published in their original language is facilitated by introductory studies and a great deal of explanatory notes in Hungarian.

The publication of the yearbook is supported by the following prestigious Hungary-based workshops of Hungarology: Balassi Institute, Hungarian National Archives, International Association for Hungarian Studies, National Széchényi Library.


  • Irén Bilkei: Unpublished Jagello-era Charters from the Archives of the Csányi family
  • Farkas Gábor Kiss: „Do we have to Believe and Observe Everything Written in the Bible?” Questions of János Gosztonyi, Bishop of Győr, answers of Paris theologian Iodocus Clichtoveus: Nonnullarum questionum dissolutio (1517)
  • Géza Szentmártoni Szabó: Six letters of István Bajnaky from the Archives of the Town of Trencsén, with the mention of Bálint Balassi and German Floral Songs
  • Zsuzsanna Hámori Nagy: Reports by French Ambassadors on Péter Bethlen and his Escorts’ Stay in Venice
  • András Péter Szabó: Records of the Archives of Beszterce on the Transylvanian Prince’s Court (1636-1659)
  • Tibor Martí – Tibor Monostori: Knowledge of the Spanish Monarchy of the Hungarian Kingdom. An “interview” of the Marquis of Castaňeda’s secretary with Miklós Esterházy (1639)
  • Zsuzsánna Balogh – János Barta M.: The letters of Dénes Bánffy to István Csáky (1667-1669)
  • László Zsigmond Bujtás: Hungarian-related letters from the Archives of Gerard Hamel Bruyninx (1676–1677)
  • Zsuzsa Kovács: Attila’s Grave at Lippa
  • Ferenc Tóth: Lured by Literature and Diplomacy. The letters of Charles Gravier, Count of Vergennes to Baron François de Tott , part 2.
  • Gábor Vaderna: The Letters of Count Ferenc Teleki (1785-1831)
  • János Orbán János – István Csörsz Rumen: Manuscripts and Prints from the Bolts of a Trading House in Marosvásárhely
  • Barna Tóth: “A Cabbalah answering with Hungarian Rhymes” A Poem Generator by Ádám Pálóczi Horváth
  • Mariann Czifra: Ferenc Kazinczy’s Grammar, Orthography and Pronunciation
  • Csaba Onder: Ferenc Kölcsey: An Enumeration of the Principles Stated in Révai’s Grammar
  • Kálmán Tóth: The Letters of Physician József Kiss in the Collection of Manuscripts of the Library and Information Centre of the Hungarian Academy of Science
  • Erzsébet Schiller: Hungarian Peregrine Teachers from Nagykőrös to Oxford and the Ural Mountain
  • Tamás Székely: A Report by Iron Factory Director Károly Vajkay on the Possibility of Giving State Employed Workers the Right to Vote (1904).
  • Gábor Egry: The Trials and Tribulations of an Unbearable Man. The Anti-Government Incitement Trial of Lajos Kelemen in Great Romania.   
  • András Joó: “There is a Certain Change Compared to Ancient Ways of Thought…” Iulio Maniu on Hungary, Romania, and the Transylvania Question in January 1944
  • Artur Lakatos: The Activity of Madosz in Temesvár from 23 August to 1 October 1944.
  • János Rácz: Unable to Compromise. The British Communist Party and its Intelligentsia during the 1956 Revolution.

For the PDF version of the publications (in Hungarian) click here: