‘My Little Homeland in My Great Country’ The Documents at the Manuscript Collection of the János Arany Memorial Museum of Salonta/Nagyszalonta
Edited by Zsuzsanna Rózsafalvi
National Széchényi Library – János Arany Cultural Society
Budapest – Nagyszalonta, 2018, 318 pages
ISBN 978 963 200 688 8
In the János Arany memorial year, in addition to the Truncated Tower, which houses the Memorial Museum in Nagyszalonta (today Salonta), the manuscript legacy treasured here was also restored and explored. The foundations of the Arany collection were laid by the donation of the poet's son, László Arany, by which he transferred part of his father’s works and legacy to the museum established at that time. In addition to the important works of János Arany – Murány ostroma (The Siege of Murány) and his Hungarian translation of Midsummer Night’s Dream – this volume contains documents of his official documents from Nagyszalonta, where he worked as a notary, pieces of his private and family correspondence mainly concerning his hometown, and documents of his literary work and private life kept in the museum, supplemented by many record of his cult associated with Nagyszalonta. This volume was created as a result of the enumeration of the collection of mostly unknown manuscripts, which publishes an overview and a catalogue of the collection, a list of the manuscript documents and high-quality photographs of the most important pieces. Descriptions and captions are available in English and Hungarian.
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