Philostratus Corvina, 1487–1490
Electronic document
Budapest, NSZL MEK, 2006. CD-ROM
ISSN 1788-1188
ISBN 963-200-510-4
The Philostratus Codex (Cod. Lat. 417.) is one of the most decorous codices of the Corvina Library, made entirely for King Matthias. The works of Athenian sophist Philostratus (3rd century AD) and his nephew were translated from Greek into Latin by Antonio Bonfini, King Matthias’s court historian, in 1487. The illumination was added in Florence, in the workshop of Boccardino il Vecchio. After Johannes Gremper, a Humanist of Vienna acquired the Corvina from Vladislaus II in 1513, it went to Johannes Cuspinianus and then to Johannes Fabri. It was handed over by the National Library of Austria to National Széchényi Library under the provisions of the Venice Agreement in 1932.
Digital Treasury is the e-publication series of National Széchényi Library that contains the full digital copies of the most valuable items of its own and occasionally of other collections of old books, manuscripts, periodicals, maps, small prints, posters, audio materials etc. The series is edited by the Hungarian Electronic Library Department with the cooperation of experts at NSZL. We publish the copies in two versions: medium quality for quick use and premium quality for detailed research.
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