
Almanac of the Budapest Journalists’ Association 1910

A Budapesti Ujságirók Egyesülete Almanachja 1910. évre. Utazás az újságírás körül (Almanac of the Budapest Journalists’ Association 1910. A Journey Around Journalism)
Facsimile edition
Accompanying studies written by Zoltán Szénási and Beatrix Visy
NSZL–Argumentum, Budapest, 2017, 376 pages
ISSN 0201-2510

3 900,- Ft

Variations on a Nursery Tune

Variations on a Nursery Tune. Változatok egy gyermekdalra
Ernst von Dohnányi: Variations on a Nursery Tune. Variationen über ein Kinderlied
Facsimile edition
Accompanying study written by Éva Kelemen
NSZL, Budapest, 2017.
104 sheet music pages + 32 pages of the essay
ISBN 979 080 167 029 8

4 900,- Ft

La Fontaine’s Complete Tales

La Fontaine’s Complete Tales
Entire Hungarian edition
Illustrated by Jenő Haranghy
Translated by Andor Kozma, Béla Vikár, Árpád Zempléni
Facsimile edition of the original published in 1929 (NSZL Collections)
NSZL, Budapest, 2017., 396 pages
ISBN 978 963 200 664 2


4 800,- Ft

Almanac of the Budapest Journalists’ Association 1909

Almanac of the Budapest Journalists’ Association 1909
Facsimile edition
Accompanying studies written by László Boka, Zoltán Szénási
NSZL–Argumentum, Budapest, 2016., 450 pages
ISSN 0201-2510

4 900,- Ft

Apollonius Pictus

Apollonius Pictus
An illustrated romance from Late Antiquity (cca. 1000 AD.)

Facsimile edition of Historia Apollonii regis Tyri (NSZL, Cod. Lat. 4.)
Edited by Anna Boreczky
NSZL, Budapest, 2011, 184 pages + 8 pages of attachments
ISBN 978 963 200 600 0

7 990,- Ft

Albert Szenci Molnár: Institutio Christianae religionis (Translated into Hungarian)

Albert Szenci Molnár: Institutio Christianae religionis (Translated into Hungarian)
Hanovia, 1624.
With the explanatory texts of Judit P. Vásárhelyi and András Szabó
The text of the facsimile is published by Péter Kőszeghy
This is a facsimile edition of the item No. RMK I 540 of NSZL.
NSZL–HAS Institute of Literary Studies–Balassi Publishing House, Budapest, 2009.
[Bibliotheca Hungarica antiqua, 43., series edited by Péter Kőszeghy]
1620 oldal + 52 oldal tanulmány
ISBN 978 963 506 820 3 Facsimile
ISBN 978 963 506 557 8 Explanatory text

14 000,- Ft
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