“I Wish the Study of Classical Writers”. János Arany and the European Literature
Edited by János Korompay H.
NSZL–HAS Faculty of Humanities–Universitas Publishing House, Budapest, 2017.
340 pages
ISBN 978 963 967 162 1
Map History Bulletin 1.
Yearbook of National Széchényi Library’s Map Collection, 2016.
Editor in Chief: László Pászti
NSZL, Budapest, 2017., 160 pages
ISBN 977 256 006 500 3
ISSN 2560-0656
Literary Journal 2017/4. Reformation, Language, Literature
Editor in Chief: Zoltán Jánosi
NSZL–Magyar Napló Publishing House, Budapest, 2017.
144 pages
ISSN 2063-8019
“And What Could I Say Before Thee My Lord” Pál Keresztúri Bíró and the Heavenly Conversation
Written by Bernadett Varga
NSZL, Budapest, 2017., 212 pages
ISBN 978 963 200 677 2
Literary Journal 2017/3. János Arany
Editor in Chief: Zoltán Jánosi
NSZL–Magyar Napló Publishing House, Budapest, 2017
112 pages
ISSN 2063-8019
Albert Szenci Molnár: An Anniversary Sermon. Appendix de idolo Lauretano
Oppenheim, 1618.
With an essay by Mihály Imre
Facsimile edition after the copy at NSZL
NSZL–Balassi Publishing House, Budapest, 2017.
Bibliotheca Hungarica Antiqua, 65.
112 pages + 35 pages of essay
ISBN 978 963 456 014 2 facsimile
ISBN 978 963 456 015 9 essay
Literary Journal 2017/2. The Literature of Szeklerland (from 1945 to present)
Editor in Chief: Zoltán Jánosi
NSZL–Magyar Napló Publishing House., Budapest, 2017.
116 pages
ISSN 2063-8019
Albert Szenci Molnár: Psalterium Ungaricum. Small Catechism
Herborn, 1607.
Accompanying essay by Judit P. Vásárhelyi
Facsimile edition after the copy at Ráday Library
Bibliotheca Hungarica Antiqua, 66.
NSZL–Balassi Publising House, Budapest, 2017.
526 pages + 54 pages of the essay
ISBN 978 963 456 016 6 facsimile
ISBN 978 963 456 017 3 essay
Literary Journal 2017/1. The Literature of Szeklerland (from the beginning to 1945)
Editor in Chief: Zoltán Jánosi
NSZL–Magyar Napló Publishing House, Budapest, 2017.
116 pages
ISSN 2063-8019
A Home of Arts and Muses The Library of King Matthias Corvinus
Edited by Edina Zsupán
Bibliotheca Nationalis Hungariae, Budapest, 2017.
(Supplementum Corvinianum IV, edidit Stephanus Monok)
212 pages
ISBN 978-963-200-675-8
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