Albert Szenci Molnár: An Anniversary Sermon. Appendix de idolo Lauretano
Oppenheim, 1618.
With an essay by Mihály Imre
Facsimile edition after the copy at NSZL
NSZL–Balassi Publishing House, Budapest, 2017.
Bibliotheca Hungarica Antiqua, 65.
112 pages + 35 pages of essay
ISBN 978 963 456 014 2 facsimile
ISBN 978 963 456 015 9 essay
This small volume contains a work in Hungarian and another one in Latin. To mark the 500th anniversary of the Protestant Reformation, NSZL and Balassi Publishing House published a facsimile edition of a written memory of the anniversary celebrated in 1617. The original of An Anniversary Sermon (more precisely: Secularis Concio Euangelica, or An Anniversary Sermon) was published in 1618 in Oppenheim, written by Albert Szenci Molnár. The work was based upon a sermon of a renowned contemporaneous German professor of theology, Abraham Scultetus, that the author adapted to the Hungarian reader. In his recommendation to Miklós Bethlen, he explains the need for celebrating the anniversary. The polemic character and the style of the argumentation is present in both works. In the accompanying booklet of the facsimile, Mihály Imre offers a detailed analysis of both the Hungarian and the Latin text, Appendix de idolo Lauretano, that places the great debate topics of the anniversary primarily into European context.
Bibliotheca Hungarica Antiqua
The Bibliotheca Hungarica Antiqua series was founded by Béla Varjas (1959-1985) who remained its editor until his death. It is a series of facsimile editions of 16-17th century Hungarica prints, completed by explanatory essays, in some cases with English (German) summaries. From 1986, the series editor has been Péter Kőszeghy. Although the original goal was to make works of literary or typographical importance, sometimes with only one copy remained, available for research, many of these bibliophile publications can be of interest for the wide public. After the first 12 volumes published in the edition of Béla Varjas, the series reached a total of 44 volumes by 2014. NSZL has been its co-publisher from 2000, and in 2014 also the library of Hungarian Academy of Sciences has joined.
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