Private Libraries in Hungary IV. 1552–1740

Private Libraries in Hungary IV. 1552–1740
Arranged for the press by Rita Bajáki, Hajnalka Bujdosó, István Monok, Noémi Viskolcz
NSZL–University of Szeged, Faculty of Humanities, Department of Old Hungarian Literature –University of Szeged, Faculty of Humanities, Department of Library Science, Budapest–Szeged, 2009.
[Database for the history of our cultural movements between the 14th and 18th centuries, 13/4., series edited by Bálint Keserű, Mihály Balázs]
16+430 pages
ISBN 978 963 200 561 4

1 000,- Ft

Albert Szenci Molnár: Institutio Christianae religionis (Translated into Hungarian)

Albert Szenci Molnár: Institutio Christianae religionis (Translated into Hungarian)
Hanovia, 1624.
With the explanatory texts of Judit P. Vásárhelyi and András Szabó
The text of the facsimile is published by Péter Kőszeghy
This is a facsimile edition of the item No. RMK I 540 of NSZL.
NSZL–HAS Institute of Literary Studies–Balassi Publishing House, Budapest, 2009.
[Bibliotheca Hungarica antiqua, 43., series edited by Péter Kőszeghy]
1620 oldal + 52 oldal tanulmány
ISBN 978 963 506 820 3 Facsimile
ISBN 978 963 506 557 8 Explanatory text

14 000,- Ft

The Life-work of András Sütő

The Life-work of András Sütő
An annotated bibliography
Edited by Péter Kuszálik
NSZL–Pro-Print Publishing House, Budapest–Csíkszereda (Miercurea Ciuc), 2009., 592 pages
ISBN 978 963 200 583 6

2 000,- Ft

The Old Library Stock of the Kaplony Franciscan Monastery

The Old Library Stock of the Kaplony Franciscan Monastery. Catalogue
Edited by Árpád Magyar, Edina Zvara
NSZL, Budapest, 2009., 560 pages
[Old Books of Hungarian Libraries in the Carpathian Basin, 4. Series edited by István Monok]
ISBN 978 963 200 568 3

2 000,- Ft
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