„World of Pictures”
An academic conference on 19th century Hungarian illustrated press
Edited by Gabriella Szvoboda Dománszky
NSZL–Budapest History Museum, Budapest, 2014., 399 pages
[Studies from the Past of Budapest, XXXIX.]
ISSN 0238-5597
The present publication is the edited material of the conference on 19th century Hungarian illustrated press that accompanied the exhibition entitled Mirror of the Nation. Illustrated Press in Hungary 1780-1880. What makes it really worth reading is that while the essays here published examine multimedia environments, symbiosis, unity and rivalry of image and text, the volume itself also represents vividly and variedly the same inter-relations with its illustrations added to the texts. The Chief Curator of the joint exhibition of National Széchényi Library and Budapest History Museum (19 September 2012–20 January 2013) was Emese Révész. The essays edited by Gabriella Szvoboda Dománszky bear testimony of the wide range of the topics discussed at the conference.
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