Library Observer 2014/1–4.
Editor in Chief: Katalin Kovács
NSZL, Budapest, 2014.
ISSN 0023-3773
Library Observer is a quarterly periodical, one of Hungary’s national journals of the library profession. Founded in 1955 by National Széchényi Library, it has been being published under the same title since 1958. It provides information on the topics of national relevance for the Hungarian librarian profession including the works, developments and research achievements of the Library Institute and National Széchényi Library.
Without Predecessors or Successors
Writings by László Fábián on László Lajtha. The correspondence of Mr. and Mrs. Lajtha with László Fábián
Edited, published and the preface written by Emőke Solymosi Tari
NSZL–Gondolat Publishing House, Budapest, 2014., 300 pages
ISBN 978 963 693 482 8
Czech Sources of Makula nélkül való tükör
Written by Eszter Kovács
NSZL–HAS–Pázmány Péter Catholic University, Budapest, 2014.
[Pázmány Literary Workshop, Studies of History and Spirituality, series edited by László Szelestei N.], 156 pages
ISBN 978 963 308 212 6
Lymbus 2012-2013
Source Publications in Hungarian Studies
Editor in Chief: Gábor Ujváry
NSZL– International Association for Hungarian Studies– Research Centre for the Humanities of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences,
Budapest, 2014., 384 pages
ISSN 0865 0632
Mercurius 2013
National Széchényi Library
Edited by László Boka
NSZL, Budapest, 2015., 52 pages
ISSN 1589 4738
3K - Book, Library, Librarian
Edited by László Miklós Mezey
NSZL, Budapest, 2014.
ISSN 1216-6804
Literary Journal 2014/4. Miklós Zrínyi
Editor in Chief: János Oláh
NSZL–Magyar Napló, Budapest, 2014.
ISSN 2063-8019
Bulletin 2013
National Széchényi Library
Edited by László Boka
NSZL, Budapest, 2014., 48 pages
ISSN 1589-4738
Literary Journal 2014/2. Writers and artists on the Great War (1914–1918)
Editor in Chief: János Oláh
NSZL–Magyar Napló, Budapest, 2014.
ISSN 2063-8019
Literary Journal 2014/3. Gyula Krúdy
Eitor in Chief: János Oláh
NSZL–Magyar Napló, Budapest, 2014.
ISSN 2063-8019
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