Hungarian Book Review 2014/1–4.
Editor in Chief: István Monok
Co-editor: Pál Ács
NSZL–HAS, Budapest, 1–4. issues yearly
ISSN 0025-0171
Literary Journal 2014/1. Géza Gárdonyi
Editor in Chief: János Oláh
NSZL–Magyar Napló, Budapest, 2014.
ISSN 2063-8019
Frigyes Pesty’s Collection of Toponyms 1864–1865. Volume III. Maros County
Published by Árpád Csáki
NSZL–Szekler National Museum, Budapest–Sepsiszentgyörgy, 2014., 285 pages
ISBN 978 963 200 631 4
Corvina Augusta
Die Handschriften des Königs Matthias Corvinus in der Herzog August Bibliothek Wolfenbüttel
Hrsg. von Edina Zsupán unter Mitarbeit von Christian Heitzmann
Bibliotheca Nationalis Hungariae, Budapest, 2014.
[Supplementum Corvinianum III, edidit Stephanus Monok), 320 pages
ISBN 978-963-200-625-3
The Era of Persecution and National Széchényi Library
Studies on the Holocaust and its historical antecedents
An exhibition of National Széchényi Library 28 May - 12 July 2014
Edited by Gábor Ujváry
NSZL, Budapest, 2014., 64 pages
ISBN 978 963 200 622 2
Underground Streams, Drilling Deep.
The Hungarian Right Wing – after 1945. Yearbook XX. 2014.
Edited by János Rainer M.
NSZL–1956 Institute Foundation, Budapest, 2014., 294 pages
ISSN 1216-7851
„World of Pictures”
An academic conference on 19th century Hungarian illustrated press
Edited by Gabriella Szvoboda Dománszky
NSZL–Budapest History Museum, Budapest, 2014., 399 pages
[Studies from the Past of Budapest, XXXIX.]
ISSN 0238-5597
Selected Bibliography of the Hungarian Press History 1705–1944, volume 5. Addenda
Selected by Éva Lakatos
NSZL, Budapest, 2014., 178 pages
ISBN 978 963 200 616 1
Women Rule
Four Plays by Ede Szigligeti
Preface written, texts ordered and edited by Ildikó Sirató
NSZL-Nagyvárad Szigligeti Theater, Budapest-Nagyvárad (Oradea), 2014., 219 pages
ISBN 978 963 200 621 5
Aladár Kuncz: Black Monastery
Memoirs of the French Internment
Edited by Éva Jeney
NSZL–Kriterion, Budapest–Cluj-Napoca, 2014.
[Collected Works of Aladár Kuncz, I., series edited by László Boka, Tamás Gusztáv Filep], 554 pages
ISBN 978 973 26
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