Hungarian Literary Antiques
Antiquitates literaturae Hungaricae
Written by Miklós Révai
Translated by Zsuzsa C. Vladár
Edited and indexed by Ágnes Stemler
NSZL–Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest, 2014., 264 pages
ISBN 978 963 200 626
Antiquitates literaturae Hungaricae (Hungarian Literary Antiques), is a work of Miklós Révai in which the author presents and analyzes the Funeral Sermon and Prayer. It was published in Latin in 1803, and had major influence on 19th-century Hungarian linguistics. But however widely read and frequently quoted this book was at that time, later it fell into disuse, and today it is only a mere entry in the history of linguistics. By publishing Révai’s volume in Hungarian, we aim at placing this work in the right context in the history of academic research. Introductory studies to the volume and notes accompanying the text are meant to serve this purpose.
The present volume was published in a cooperation between the Institute of Hungarian Linguistics and Finno-Ugric Studies of the Eötvös Loránd University and National Széchényi Library, with the valuable contributions of Zsuzsa C. Vladár, Ágnes Stemler, Kornélia Koltai and Dóra Zsom.
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