
Old Prints of Hungary 1671 – 1685, vol. 5.

Old Prints of Hungary 1671 – 1685, vol. 5.
by János Heltai, Eszter Kovács, Judit P. Vásárhelyi, Péter Perger, Róbert Szvorényi, Anna Judit Tóth and Judit V. Ecsedy
Edited by Judit P. Vásárhelyi and Péter Perger
National Széchényi Library, Budapest, 2023, 1556 pages
ISBN 978 963 200 731 1

8 000,- Ft

The Bibliography of Hungary 1712–1860 X. Index of Printing and Publishing History

The Bibliography of Hungary 1712–1860 X. Index of printing and publishing history of the Hungarian prints published in Hungary (and abroad) between 1701 and 1800 included in volume IX.
Compiled and edited by Eszter Kovács és Judit V. Ecsedy
National Széchényi Library, Bp., 2018, 400 pages
ISBN 978 963 200 691 8

3 100,- Ft

The Bibliography of Hungary 1712–1860 IX. Supplements

The Bibliography of Hungary 1712–1860 IX. Supplements
Prints published between 1701-1800 in Hungary and abroad (in Hungarian language), in addition to Géza Petrik’s The Bibliography of Hungary 1712–1860
Selected and edited by Eszter Kovács and Judit V. Ecsedy Proofread by Judit P. Vásárhelyi
Published by National Széchényi Library, Budapest, 2017., 496 pages
ISBN 978 963 200 667 3

2 400,- Ft

Selected Bibliography of the Hungarian Press History 1705–1944, volume 5. Addenda

Selected Bibliography of the Hungarian Press History 1705–1944, volume 5. Addenda
Selected by Éva Lakatos
NSZL, Budapest, 2014., 178 pages
ISBN 978 963 200 616 1

2 200,- Ft

Selected Bibliography of the Hungarian Press History 1705–1944, volume 4. SZE–Z

Selected Bibliography of the Hungarian Press History 1705–1944, volume 4. (SZE–Z)
Selected by Éva Lakatos
NSZL, Budapest, 2013., 348 pages
ISBN 978 963 200 616 1

3 200,- Ft

Selected Bibliography of the Hungarian Press History 1705–1944, volume 3. N-SZA

Selected Bibliography of the Hungarian Press History 1705–1944, volume 3. N-SZA
Selected by Éva Lakatos
NSZL, Budapest, 2012, 388 pages
ISBN 978 963 200 602 4


Selected Bibliography of the Hungarian Press History 1705–1944, volume 2. K-M

Selected Bibliography of the Hungarian Press History 1705–1944, volume 2. K-M
Selected by Éva Lakatos
NSZL, Budapest, 2011, 384 pages
ISBN 978 963 200 596 6

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