Selected Bibliography of the Hungarian Press History 1705–1944, volume 3. N-SZA
Selected by Éva Lakatos
NSZL, Budapest, 2012, 388 pages
ISBN 978 963 200 602 4
“To become familiar with the history of press published in Hungarian or in other languages in Hungary we certainly need a bibliographic collection with focus on the documentation of press history” explains Éva Lakatos, the editor of this work that will be extended to five volumes. What makes it gap-filling and essential is that the previous Selected Bibliography of the Literature of Hungarian Press History (1705-1946), edited by Farkas József and published by the Hungarian Journalists’ Association in 1972 is rather a ’by-product’ of a literature bibliography project of the Institute for Literary Studies of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences and only contains press-related items that connect also to literature.
The author set new and broader plans when assumed the task of summarizing forty years’ work of collection and shaping it into a press history database. After the publication of the previous two volumes in 2010 and 2011, our knowledge can now be enhanced with the material of the third.
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