Selected Bibliography of the Hungarian Press History 1705–1944, volume 5. Addenda
Selected by Éva Lakatos
NSZL, Budapest, 2014., 178 pages
ISBN 978 963 200 616 1
From the preface of the bibliography now completed with the 5th volume:
„This preface does not aim at posing theoretical questions, and yet we have to touch upon the definition of press as the mirror of life.
Periodicals provide news on events and general problems of the social, economical, political and cultural life. Doing this, they usually present the point of view of the editor or the publisher, and consequently reflect a somehow biased aspect. At the same time, we have to realize that in spite of this general rule, there are and have always been periodicals seeking impartiality. And if we look at the whole number of periodicals published in a certain period, we will find that although they might be individually biased, when put together they finally make up a complete and objective picture. Thus the selection of the press of a historical period truly offers researchers a realistic and direct insight.”
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