3K - Book, Library, Librarian 2013/1–12.
Edited by László Miklós Mezey
NSZL, Budapest, 2013.
ISSN 1216-6804
Library Observer 2013/1–4.
Editor in Chief: Katalin Kovács
NSZL, Budapest, 2013.
ISSN 0023-3773
Hungarian Book Review 2013/1–4.
Editor in Chief: István Monok
Co-editor: Pál Ács
NSZL–HAS, Budapest, 1–4. issues yearly
ISSN 0025-0171
Bulletin 2012
National Széchényi Library
Edited by László Boka
NSZL, Budapest, 2013., 52 pages
ISSN 1589-4738
A Youth Novel
Written by József Koszterszitz (Father Koszter)
EFO, Százhalombatta, 2013. 244 pages
ISBN 978 963 824 348 5
Mercurius 2012
National Széchényi Library
Edited by László Boka
NSZL, Budapest, 2013., 52 pages
ISSN 1589 4738
The Tabula Hungariae… Ingolstadt, 1528 Map and its Afterlife
Written by Katalin Plihál
NSZL–Kossuth Publishing House, Budapest, 2013., 224 pages
ISBN 978 963 200 613 0
Far Away from Mount Ararat
Armenian culture in the Carpathian Basin. A joint exhibition of Budapest History Museum and National Széchényi Library, 5 April 2013 – 15 September 2013
The exhibition was organized and the catalogue edited by Bálint Kovács and Emese Pál
NSZL–Budapest History Museum, Budapest, 2013., 184 pages
ISBN 978 963 200 608 6
„On the Occupation of the Castle of Várad by the Pagan Turks...” A memoir by János Szalárdi about the siege of Várad in 1660
Edited by Tünde Balla and Attila Lakatos
A facsimile edition
NSZL–Partium Publishing House, Budapest–Nagyvárad, 2013., 224 pages
ISBN 978 963 200 612 3
The Travels of Count József Zichy II. American Journals 1877
Editing, preface and annotations by Mihály Zichy
NSZL–Széphalom Könyvműhely, Budapest, 2013., 126 pages
ISBN 978 963 9903 59 3
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