Tábori’s Sinful Budapest
Edited, introductory study written, and illustrations selected by Péter Buza
Texts selected and notes written by Tamás Gusztáv Filep
Selected texts proofread by László Boka
NSZL–Town Protection Association for Budapest, Budapest, 2013.
[Budapest Books. Nagy Budapest Törzsasztal, series edited by Noémi Saly], 192 pages
ISBN 978 963 200 609
Kornél Tábori was a legendary crime journalist of the first two decades of the 20th century who from the beginning of his career, and lead by his social sensibility, reacted with outrage to the miserable conditions of the Hungarian society of his time. Based upon his expertise and knowledge of facts, he wrote books from 1900 to convince the public and the opinion leaders that crime reproducing itself is not the city’s fault but a result of a wrong system. From the 1920’s his attention turned to the promotion of tourism in Hungary and Budapest, and as a diligent member of the tourism association, he strived for building a positive image of Budapest.
By the 1930’s the professional circles looked up to him as an expert, and he also gained popularity in the wider audience. There was always great interest in his lectures with projection of slides in the Urania Theatre of Science (delivered also abroad and in the countryside), his radio lectures and thematic evenings.
In April 1944 he was deported to a relocation camp and from there, in the early summer of 1944, to Auschwitz. He never returned to his beloved homeland and city – to life. During the seventy years since his death, the life and work of Tábori have never been studied. The seventh volume of Budapest Books now assumes this task, with the critical presentation of his works completed by a selection of texts, especially from his journalistic articles.
Budapest Books
Budapest Books is a ten-volume series of source publications arranged by Nagy Budapest Asztaltársaság (“Circle of Friends of Budapest”), and published in cooperation between NSZL and the Town Protection Association for Budapest. Each volume presents a notable figure, a scene or environment from the history of the Hungarian capital city. The series is edited by Noémi Saly.
Our publications are available in our bookshop, or can be ordered from the Publications Department of the NSZL using the contact details below: Főigazgatói Kabinet kiadványtára, Országos Széchényi Könyvtár, 1276 Budapest P.O. box 1205., phone: 06-1-23-23-506, e-mail: kiadvanytar@oszk.hu.