The Bibliography of Hungary 1712–1860 X. Index of printing and publishing history of the Hungarian prints published in Hungary (and abroad) between 1701 and 1800 included in volume IX.
Compiled and edited by Eszter Kovács és Judit V. Ecsedy
National Széchényi Library, Bp., 2018, 400 pages
ISBN 978 963 200 691 8
With the publication of the present volume, the Hungarian retrospective bibliography, published between 1701 and 1800, a total of 30,417 items are now searchable by printing houses with the help of three printing indexes: Petrik VI, VIII and X. The first is Petrik’s volume VI, which was published in 1972, and categorizes the material of the first five Petrik volumes from 1712 to 1800 by locations of printing presses and printing houses. The second press index is the Petrik volume VIII (1991), the first part of which contains a bibliographical data of Hungarian 18th century playbills, obituaries and icons as an appendix, and the second part includes the joint index of printing and publishing history of volume VII (Supplements) published in 1989 and the appendix of volume VIII. It also contains data on Hungarian publications known from earlier bibliographies, printed between 1701 and 1711. The current volume is thus the third indicator of printing and publishing history, which follows the previous printing indexes in all respects, and its time frame is that of Petrik’s volume VIII, the entire 18th century. Together, these three printing indexes now provide a complex image of the current affairs, institutions and persons of book publishing and book printing in Hungary in the 18th century.
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