The Book of the Illuminated Chronicle
Written by László Veszprémy and Tünde Wehli
Photography: József Hapák
NSZL–Kossuth Publishing House, Budapest, 2009., 200 pages
ISBN 978 963 096 041 0
A masterpiece of the years-long cooperation between the Kossuth Publishing House and National Széchényi Library is this Book of the Illuminated Chronicle, a facsimile edition that reproduces all the colors of the original manuscript authentically. The photographs of József Hapák allow us to take delight in the pictures of the 14th century codex, while the explanatory text of László Veszprémy reveals its contents and its importance as an innovation of that time. Tünde Wehli presents the artistic features of the illustrations, and explains the relation between the pictures and the texts of the work that served as a basis for an entire group of codices.
The decorous Illuminated Chronicle is a cultural treasure of utmost importance that contributed to that „…the tradition of the royal dynasty’s origins, as well as the consciousness of the Hungarian people about its roots made its way into the records of history, and together with the contemporaneous views of power, became the carrier of national self-reflection.”
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