Festetics Codex. The prayer book of Benigna Magyar, wife of Pál Kinizsi
Electronic document
Edited by Balázs Kertész, János Káldos
Budapest, NSZL MEK, 2007. CD-ROM
ISSN 1788-1188
ISBN 978-963-200-528-7
The Festetics Codex is a prayer book made in the Nagyvázsony monastery of the Paulite order about 1493 on the commission of Pál Kinizsi for his wife, Benigna Magyar. The small size book served for everyday devotional practice with a rich Renaissance decoration that bears the influence of the Buda workshop of codex illumination that produced the Corvinas. The name Festetics is of the aristocratic family whose library of Keszthely hosted the codex until 1947 when it became part of the collections of National Széchényi Library.
Digital Treasury is the e-publication series of National Széchényi Library that contains the full digital copies of the most valuable items of its own and occasionally of other collections of old books, manuscripts, periodicals, maps, small prints, posters, audio materials etc. The series is edited by the Hungarian Electronic Library Department with the cooperation of experts at NSZL. We publish the copies in two versions: medium quality for quick use and premium quality for detailed research.
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