Illuminated Chronicle of the Printing Press in Hungary 1473–1700
Written by Szilvia Bánfi and Judit V. Ecsedy
NSZL–Balassi, Budapest, 2014., 220 pages
ISBN 978 963 200 634 5
This time we recommend a book on the first centuries and tradition of Hungarian book printing not to the experts, but to the broad audience especially. Based upon detailed sources, thorough research, and rich image material, Szilvia Bánfi and Judit V. Ecsedy present the early period of the Hungarian printing press in an easy-to-understand way.
You can learn where the most important printing presses of Hungary functioned from 1473, the year of the first book printed in Hungary, up until 1700. Who were the old time printers, and what did type-casters do? How did technology evolve? In what surroundings, what historical circumstances was the art of book printing performed? In what workshops were the old time Hungarian scientific and literary books manufactured, what printing presses did the essential works of Catholicism and Protestantism come from?
The authors also explain how the old books were illustrated, how paper was made, and how a book had to be bound. The equipment of the printing presses was sometimes poor, sometimes extremely advanced, but whatever the case, they prepared the first still surviving items of Hungarian reproduced graphics, making the present work valuable also for those interested in fine arts. To help further reading, there is a bibliography and an index of names and places at the end of the book.
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