Literary Journal 2014/4. Miklós Zrínyi
Editor in Chief: János Oláh
NSZL–Magyar Napló, Budapest, 2014.
ISSN 2063-8019
This year’s fourth issue of Literary Journal presents the most significant and interesting moments of the life of poet, writer, politician and military leader Miklós Zrínyi. The informative articles are accompanied by a number of beautiful 17th century engravings.
Literary Journal, a quarterly joint publication of Magyar Napló and National Széchényi Library is a richly illustrated magazine of more than 100 pages, primarily dedicated to the broad audience, but also well usable as educational material. Its thematic issues always focus on one classical author, period of literary history or cultural phenomenon. Apart from including texts so far unpublished, Literary Journal can also significantly broaden the horizon of re-reading. The previous issues were dedicated to Gyula Illyés, Sándor Márai, Géza Gárdonyi, Gyula Krúdy and Miklós Zrínyi.
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