The Reader

The Reader

The Reader
Writings to honor András Lakatos
Edited by Miklós Fogarassy
NSZL–Osiris Publishing House, Budapest, 2009., 176 pages
ISBN 978 963 276 042 1

1 980,- Ft
Not available

Though not often, but there are remarkable spirits, persons of the literary world whose excellence, worth and critical judgment is not measured by the number of their publications. We may rarely meet them because as a result of their character, mindset, high standards and modesty they seem to prefer live communication, intellectual dialogues that reveal their knowledge, and intimate friendly atmosphere to present their talent.

Literary scholar and librarian András Lakatos is of this kind, say his friends, disciples and colleagues who greet him on the pages of this volume. They are convinced that he would have resisted the mild „spiritual aggression” of this Festschrift if only he had had the chance. But writers, poets, philosophers, editors, literary scholars and librarians are happy to greet the sixty five year-old András Lakatos with their writings of different topics and genres that are now published. (Preface by Miklós Fogarassy)