Biblia Hungarica Philologica
The Bibles of Hungary in philological studies
Papers of the conference held on 30th January 2009 in National Széchényi Library related to the exhibition “Biblia Sacra Hungarica, the book that gives eternal life” (2008. 11. 21–2009. 03. 29.)
Edited by János Heltai
NSZL–HAS Research Center for the Humanities, Institute of Literary Studies–MOKKA-R Association, Budapest, 2009., 216 pages
[Booklets of Hungarian Book Review and MOKKA-R Association, 3.]
ISBN 978 963 446 550 8
The Biblia Sacra Hungarica exhibition was held in our library’s three display halls from 21st November 2008 to 29th March 2009, to celebrate the Year of the Bible. National Széchényi Library, with the cooperation of Hungarian Bible Society and the Association of Ecclesiastical Libraries, presented the Book “that gives eternal life” and its one thousand years of reception history in Hungary. In view of the growing interest, the directorate of NSZL decided to host a conference to record the event and make its influence more lasting. The conference took place on the 30th January 2009, under the title Biblia Hungarica Philologica.
This collection of the conference’s papers includes topics so far scarcely mentioned by research, like the relation between the Bible and liturgy, and Gáspár Heltai’s enterprise for Bible publishing. It overviews 18th century Evangelical translations and Catholic publication plans, touches upon the history of Romanian and Slovak language Bibles in Hungary, and explores the relation between the Holy Scripture and other genres like prayer books and religious debates. Apart from the new approaches, there is also room for new results of earlier research on topics like the New Testament of János Sylvester and the Vizsoly Bible with its Albert Szenci Molnár editions. The collection offers a wide panorama of Hungarian research of the role of the Bible in culture history and its influence, and defines new directions and topics for further study.
Booklets of Hungarian Book Review and MOKKA-R Association
For centuries, books were the only means of passing on cultural values, so the history of books is related to all the areas of cultural history. No wonder that a number of new institutions for presenting book culture history are currently being set up. As one of Europe’s oldest book history periodicals, Hungarian Book Review cannot assume the publication of all the writings on book history in Hungary, it has joined MOKKA-R (the old books section of Hungarian National Joint Catalogue Association), an entity founded in 1994 to coordinate the elaboration of old books. Our series of booklets presents primarily the lectures held at the MOKKA-R department sessions, but also gives room for works on book history with larger extent than publishable in Hungarian Book Review.
The publishers of the series are NSZL, the Institute for Literary Studies of the Hungarian Academy of Science, and MOKKA-R Association.
Our publications are available in our bookshop, or can be ordered from the Publications Department of the NSZL using the contact details below: Főigazgatói Kabinet kiadványtára, Országos Széchényi Könyvtár, 1276 Budapest P.O. box 1205., phone: 06-1-23-23-506, e-mail: