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On September 10, 2015 a chamber exhibition in memory of the 100th anniversary of the birth of  composer Ferenc Farkas (1905–2000) will be opened in NSZL. The exhibition will present the most exciting documents from the composer legacy of Ferenc Farkas, an outstanding figure of the 20th history of Hungarian music, kept in the Music Collection of the Library.
You can approach the main entrance of National Széchényi Library by presenting your Reader Pass, or if you are not a registered reader of the Library, or wish to visit NSZL for any other reason, the staff of the Wine Festival will guide you to the main entrance of the Library.
Dear Visitors! We would like to inform you that, as opposed to the extraordinary closure of the Library on Tuesday September 22, 2015, scheduled previously due to technical reasons, on the above date National Széchényi Library will be open during its usual opening hours, i.e. between 10 a.m. and 7 p.m.
In honor of her outstanding performance carried out in the field of library science, Dr. Szilvia Bánfi-Szilágyi, research fellow of National Széchényi Library was given József Szinnyei Award on the occasion of Hungarian National Day August 20.
Hungarian Language and Book Festival will be held this year, too in Szentháromság Square in Buda Castle, between September 4 and 6, 2015. Our booth will welcome visitors with the publications of NSZL and with other interesting items.
This year’s winners of the Janus Pannonius Grand Prize for Poetry, Charles Bernstein from the US and Italian poet Giuseppe Conte will read out from their poems in the Ceremonial Hall of National Széchényi Library on August 29, 2015, at 7 p.m.
Dear Visitors! We would like to inform you that the opening hours of National Széchényi Library will be changed as of September 1, 2015.  Also, there have been changes in the reading space: our Multimedia Reading Room ceased to exist as an independent unit, its functions were taken over by the General Reading Room.
Our exhibition to be opened on September 1 will present the last love letters written by Attila József to Flóra Kozmutza and a letter of sentiments written by Gyula Illyés to his wife. This letter inspired the title of our exhibition: Because you are sitting opposite to me …
Based on an exhibition set up in NSZL’s Theater History Collection jointly with Dr. Orsolya Ring, archivist of the National Archives of Hungary, an online exhibition presenting related documents of our collections was launched on the website of the National Archives.
On June 15, 2015 Italian IT firm @Cult presented its recently developed integrated library software. Presentations of the professional day can be viewed on Videotorium.
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