Monument conservation conference – Rómer Flóris Plan

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2018/04/12 - 2018/04/13


Under the title Rómer Flóris Plan – Renewing Hungarian Monuments in the Carpathian Basin, Teleki László Foundation will hold a two-day international monument conservation conference in National Széchényi Library on April 12 and 13, 2018. With the participation of monument conservation experts from Hungary and the Carpathian Basin, the conference will not only present the achievements of Rómer Flóris Plan in 2017, but it will also provide an opportunity for specialists working in the Carpathian Basin to have consultations and professional debates. The conference will be opened by Dr. Csaba Latorcai, Deputy State Secretary for Public Affairs, Heritage and High Priority Cultural Investment Projects at the Hungarian Prime Minister's Office.

In order to express its commitment to Hungarian communities across the borders and to preserve monuments of our nation’s history, the Hungarian Government launched Rómer Flóris Plan in October 2015, based on the beyond-the-borders pillar of the National Heritage Program launched in 1999.

The restoration and renovation of nearly one hundred Hungary-related monuments, located outside Hungary, have started within the framework of Rómer Flóris Plan. In the framework of individual decisions, this year HUF 146 million, while from open tender budgets, HUF 40.2 million have been spent on Hungarian built heritage located beyond the borders of Hungary.

On top of that, the Plan – with some HUF 8.8 million support amount – provided help to recover from monument damages caused by storms sweeping through Transylvania in September 2017.

The international conference will also feature an award ceremony, during which the Granasztói György Award established by Teleki László Foundation will be handed over, on the second occasion in 2018. Granasztói György Award – for the Hungarian monuments of the Carpathian Basin goes to a person who has done a great deal to preserve the Hungarian monuments of the Carpathian Basin.

Venue of the event: National Széchényi Library, Ceremonial Hall on Floor 6



8:30–9:00 Registration

9:00–9:10 Welcome speech
László Tüske, Director-General, National Széchényi Library

9:10–9:20 Opening
Dr. Csaba Latorcai, Deputy State Secretary for Public Affairs, Heritage and High Priority Cultural Investment Projects

9:20–9:40 Rómer adventures
Dr. László Diószegi, PhD, Executive Director, Teleki László Foundation

9:40–10:00 Report on faithfully rendered surveys conducted in the Princely Palace of Gyulafehérvár
Balázs Halmos– Katalin Marótzy, Budapest University of Technology and Economics

10:00–10:20 Status report – renewal of the János Arany Memorial Museum in Nagyszalonta
Zsuzsanna Tóth, restorer, National Széchényi Library

10:20–10:40 Status survey of monumental churches in Transcarpathia
Péter Szarvas, architect, Uzhgorod

10:40–10:50 Debate

10:50–11:10 Coffee break

11:10–11:50 Archaeological research of the Calvinist church in Palágykomoróc
Volodymyr Moizhes, archaeologist, Director of the Professor Eduard Balahuri Archaeological Museum of Uzhgorod National University,
Mária Zsilenko, archaeologist, exhibition guide of the Professor Eduard Balahuri Archaeological Museum of Uzhgorod National University

Complete renovation of the Calvinist church in Palágykomoróc
Gyula Káldi, architect, Budapest

Research and restoration of the frescoes of the Calvinist church in Palágykomoróc
Lóránd Kiss, restorer, Marosvásárhely

11.50–12.10 Complete renovation of the Greek Catholic church in Tiszabökény
Gyula Káldi, architect, Budapest, József Szabó, restorer, Visegrád

12:10–12:30 Planning the reconstruction of the Rákóczi Castle in Bors
Zoltán Wittinger, architect, Budapest

12:30–12:40 Debate

12:40–13:50 Lunch

13:50–14:10 Plan and implementation of erecting a János Hunyadi Memorial in Belgrade
Dr. Zsolt Visy, Ministerial Commissioner

14:10–14:30 Complete renovation of the Calvinist church in Kőröskisjenő

Tamás Emődi, architect, Nagyvárad

14:30–14:50 Restoration of frescoes in Transylvania: Bádok, Feketegyarmat, Keresd
Lóránd Kiss, restorer, Marosvásárhely

14:50–15:10 Restoration of painted wooden ceilings and furniture: Barátos, Erdőcsinád
Mihály Ferenc restorer, Szováta

15:10–15:20 Debate

15:20–15:40 Coffee break

15:40–17:00 Public debate on the opportunities and limits of preserving decaying monuments
Keynote speech: Ferenc Mihály – Painted wooden ceiling of the Calvinist church in Tacs

Ádám Maksay – The Calvinist church of Páncélcseh

17:00–17:20 Árpád Furu: Regional Division in the Folk Architecture of Transylvania – book presentation

17:20–17:40 Award ceremony of the Granasztói György Award – for the Hungarian monuments of the Carpathian Basin

17:50 Reception



9:30–9:50 Status survey of churches in Vojvodina
Gyula Káldi, architect, István Tegzes, architect

9:50–10:10 Research and renovation of the Unitarian bishop's house in Kolozsvár
Árpád Furu, architect, Kolozsvár

10:10–10:30 Renovation of the Calvinist church of Lakszakállas
András Szőllősi, Budapest

10:30–10:50 “It is time to build...” – concept of the exhibition presenting the achievements of Rómer Flóris Plan
Ildikó Deák, architect, curator of the exhibition, Budapest

10:50–11:00 Debate

11:00–11:20 Coffee

11:20–11:40 The Roman Catholic church of Zsablya
Gyula Káldi, architect, Budapest

11:40–12:00 Beregszász – survey of the Bethlen-Rákóczi Castle
Róbert Fülöpp, architect, Budapest

12:00–12:10 Debate

12:10–13:10 Lunch

Poster of the event

Please, indicate your intention to participate until 12 a.m. on April 10, 2018 at the following e-mail address:

For more information contact:

Dr. László Diószegi, PhD, Executive Director, Teleki László Foundation
Phone: +36 20 934 9534